Select options as appropriate
Bertie has (taken up a hobby/grown facial hair/started wearing something) of which Jeeves disapproves. 

Meanwhile, a (sporty/soppy/intellectual) ex-fiance now engaged to Bertie's (friend/enemy/rival in the Drones Darts Tourney) breaks off her engagement and committs herself to (improving/marrying/improving AND marrying) Bertie.

Meanwhile, Bertie's (good/bad) aunt wants Bertie to (steal something/take someone under his wing/steal something/steal something).

Meanwhile, Bertie makes an enemy of  (an American Billionaire/a Northern industrialist/a would-be Fascist dictator/a psychologist/a magistrate) by (sloshing them/coshing them/stealing something from them/becoming affianced to their daughter/niece/fiancee).

Jeeves steps in.

The status quo is restored.


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