This is more like it - I do like Tom Thorne, despite the predictable predilection for genre music.

Efficient and everything you have come to expect from JK. It won't change your life but then, hey, how many books do?

A standalone novel (although Tom Thorne does make a cameo) - not an unreserved success, but one written, perhaps, with an eye to a TV/film adaptation?

Liked the first book in the Millenium trilogy so much that I went right out and bought the second. Now... how long 'til they publish the third?

Originally drawn characters, great plot.

Ellory was recommended to me but I would not be tempted to pass the recommendation on on the basis of this one.

Who would have thought that the Superman myth could be made fresh all over again?

The Scarpetta soap opera is starting to grow a little stale.

Connelly returns to one of his second-string characters and pits him against a classy villain.

Suprisingly slight - and could Bond REALLLY smoke sixty a day?

An intriguing character concept, but somewhat wasted in this series novel. A pleasant enough time-passer, but not one to be remembered.

Ry Bradbury really does write poetic prose. A brief soujourn in a dystopia, but one that will linger in the memory forever.

Coben knows how to write a page-turner. This was a one-sitting book, full of great hooks, suspense, tension... ahhh, he just does what he does so well.

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